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How dare those liberals disrespect broads like that

How dare those liberals disrespect broads like that

by digby

Jesse Waters is Bill O’Reilly’s heir apparent at Fox News. He was groomed by the man himself. And he learned well:

“It’s funny. The left says they really respect women and then when given an opportunity to respect a woman like that they boo and hiss … so I don’t really get what’s going on here, but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone,” Watters said.

Watters gestured with his hand toward his mouth as he made the remark and then grinned at his co-hosts.

They’ve told him to take a few days off.

You have to love the fact that this guy was lecturing about how the left is hypocritical about respecting women for booing Ivanka and in the same breath said this. It’s not just misogyny although it is that. It’s the right’s patented “I know you are but what am I” junior high level snottiness that Watters so perfectly epitomizes. This style of politics is a true trademark of the right.

The interesting thing is that the Fox audience is made up of white, male, conservative, senior citizens who apparently never grew up. And they run the world. Explains a lot.


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