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Headline o’ the Day

Headline o’ the Day

by digby

From Huffpost Hill:

GOOD NEWS FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP! – What an interesting bar to be clearing only months into an administration. S.V. Date: ″Donald Trump Jr.’s hopes of getting Russian government help for his father in last year’s election have popularized a word for critics of the White House: ‘treason.’ And it is almost certainly wrong ― at least in the legal sense. ‘There is a lot of behavior that is really bad, and is a betrayal of the United States,’ said Carlton Larson, a law professor at University of California, Davis, and an expert on the topic. ‘But it’s not technically treason.’ … While the colloquial meaning of treason is acting against the interest of one’s country, the legal definition ― spelled out in the United States Code ― is much narrower. The law states that an American citizen who ‘levies war’ against the government or gives ‘aid and comfort’ to the nation’s enemies is guilty of treason, punishable by at least five years in prison and possible execution. ”

It must be a relief that our president of six months most likely isn’t gong to be tried for treason. At last not yet.

So much winning.


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