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Welp, this Senate bill is as lethal as we knew it would be

Welp, this Senate bill is as lethal as we knew it would be

by digby

Basically, the Cruz Amendment to the health care bill just takes us back to where we were before Obamacare, with unaffordable, skyrocketing premiums, bankrupting caps on payment and inability to get insurance at all for people who are sick. In other words, he’s trying to kill and bankrupt the American people:

Here’s what they are now going to be eliminating in the Senate health care bill:

All that’s fine if you’re not sick and will never get sick. In fact, why bother at all? Just assume that you will die instantly in a fiery car crash instead of getting cancer. Who needs health insurance then, amirite? If other people get cancer or heart disease or their kid is in an accident and needs major surgery and rehab to survive, well that just not your problem.

These Republicans aren’t all stupid. McConnell and Cruz certainly aren’t. They are intent upon killing people in order to remain in power. They’re apparently assuming that they will be able to blame the black guy when their own constituents start dropping dead. And they’re probably right.

Now think about the fact that this whole thing hinges on just three Republicans saying no. That means that 48 or 49 of these cretins are ready to do this heinous act. And most of them know exactly what they’re doing. They just don’t care.

And some of them are starry eyed little Tinkerbells who just want you to clap louder:


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