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GOP donors falling away?

GOP donors falling away?

by digby

It’s a first step:

Billionaire health care mogul and former GOP megadonor Mike Fernandez has harsh words for Republicans who don’t stand up to President Donald Trump.

“All the Republicans who hide behind the flag and hide behind the church, they don’t have the f—— balls to do what it takes,” Fernandez told POLITICO Florida in a telephone interview on Thursday. 

Fernandez, a Miami-area resident, has long been a political rainmaker and donor, spending $3.5 million in ads against Trump in 2016 alone. He has, however, grown disenchanted with the direction of political leaders at both the state and federal level. He left the GOP due to Trump.
“I am out of the political process. Too disgusted, too expensive, too supportive of ego maniacs whose words have the value of quicksand,” he wrote in an email to a Republican fundraiser seeking political contributions.
In the email, the fundraiser was referred to as “Debbie,” but in an interview he would not identify her. 

He was a vocal opponent of Trump during the campaign, and spent roughly $3 million backing Jeb Bush’s failed bid for the White House. His disapproval of Trump has not waned, and he is now directing his ire at Republicans who won’t stand up to the president. 

“It is demoralizing to me to see adults worshipping a false idol. I can’t continue to write checks for anyone,” he said. “I know what it’s like to lose a country.” 

He called Trump an “abortion of a human being,” and hammered the New York developer in the harshest terms possible. 

Yeah, well. One down, hundreds to go. But it’s a start.


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