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Well pardon us for even asking

Well pardon us for even asking

by digby

So, he’s just chewing the fat about pardons all day because it’s an interesting topic. There’s absolutely no reason for concern:

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Sunday said he and President Donald Trump discussed pardons during a meeting last week in the Oval Office. 

“I’m in the Oval Office with the President last week, we’re talking about that, he says he brought that up,” Scaramucci said on “Fox News Sunday,” referring to Trump’s tweet about pardons. 

Trump on Saturday claimed “all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon.” 

His tweet came amid reports that Trump has inquired about his authority as it pertains to pardoning his staffers, family members and even himself. 

Jay Sekulow, an attorney on Trump’s outside legal team, said Sunday that “pardons are not on the table.” 

“We have not, and continue to not, have conversations with the President of the United States regarding pardons. Pardons have not been discussed,” Sekulow said. 

Scaramucci said Trump “doesn’t have to be pardoned.”
“There’s nobody around him that has to be pardoned. He was just making the statement about the power of pardon,” Scaramucci added. “And now all of the speculation and all the spin is, oh, he’s going to pardon himself.”

Scaramucci’s off to great start, I’ll give him that. I’m sure Trumpie is very pleased.

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