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“They would never do this to the Clintons”

“They would never do this to the Clintons”

by digby


This made me laugh out loud:

Jason Chaffetz, who recently stepped down from the House of Representatives and into a Fox News gig, wondered why congressional investigators are focusing on Jared Kushner instead of Chelsea Clinton. 

Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser, released an 11-page statement detailing his contacts with Russian officials during the campaign ahead of his closed-door hearing with congressional lawmakers — and Chaffetz echoed President Donald Trump’s recent Twitter complaints. 

“Republicans need to get a backbone,” Chaffetz said. 

“Every time the Democrats say they need to call up Jared Kushner or Don Jr. — call up Chelsea Clinton, call up the Clintons.” 

The president tweeted over the weekend that Republicans had not done enough to protect him from the Russia investigation, and suggested Hillary Clinton should instead be the target — which Chaffetz endorsed. 

“There we have an inspector general who issues a report stating an actual crime,” Chaffetz said. “You have Bill Clinton, the former president, taking millions and millions of dollars from countries, that Hillary Clinton is going in and then doing business.” 

“So every time a Democrat says ‘I gotta talk to Donald Trump Jr.,’ then go up and bring Chelsea Clinton in there,” Chaffetz continued, “because she was involved in the Benghazi situation, she was involved with the (Clinton) Foundation.” 

He didn’t detail what possible crimes Chelsea Clinton may have committed, but Chaffetz said it was ridiculous that congressional investigators wanted to speak with Kushner about the foreign contacts and loans he failed to disclose on his security clearance forms. 

“They would never, ever, ever do this to the Clintons,” Chaffetz said.


Yeah, they Clintons are immune from investigations.

Well, except for the dozens of bogus investigations including impeachment during the 90s and Cheffetz’s own Benghazi crusade. But other than that …

More here from Wonkette. Oy …


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