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Electro-torture in American jails

Electro-torture in American jails

by digby

This is so horrifying I don’t even know what to say:

Jordan Elias Norris, 20, of Pegram has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court accusing three Cheatham County Correction Deputies of deprivation of civil rights, citing the use of excessive force and failure to protect after he was repeatedly tased in the jail.

Norris was arrested Nov. 3, 2016 and charged with felony manufacturing/possession of marijuana for resale, possession of drug paraphernalia, theft under $500, five counts of possession of a prohibited weapon.

He was charged felony vandalism of over $1,000 and simple assault Nov. 7 while still incarcerated.

Norris was originally suspected of stealing a semi-automatic rifle and Sheriff’s deputies received information he was going to use the weapon on any law enforcement who tried to arrest him, according to Sheriff Mike Breedlove.

Several use of force reports state that Norris was failing to comply with deputies and combative during the time-frame deputies tased him.

The Ashland City Times has obtained surveillance video, use of force reports from the jail and a copy of the lawsuit. This story will be updated as details of the events are reviewed.

I feel sick.

They restrained him and tortured him with electro-shock. There can be no dispute about what we see on that video. It is a clear as day.

This is what we do in America.

Why is anyone surprised that an authoritarian thug like Donald Trump became president?


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