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Blaming Reince

Blaming Reince

by digby

What a pile of nonsense:

Party sources tell us that during the transition, Senate Republicans heavily lobbied Trump to nominate red- state Senate Democrats to Cabinet positions, with the hope that the successors would be Republicans.

But Trump went with an all-GOP Cabinet — a fateful decision that fostered this scorched-earth atmosphere, in which no Democrat is willing to help him with his legislative priorities.

The #1 prospect was Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), perhaps for Secretary of Agriculture. North Dakota Gov Doug Burgum is a Republican, so he could have engineered a successor who would have been the vote Trump needed. Another possibility that was kicked around was Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) for a job like Secretary of Energy. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is a Democrat but has a close relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and might have played ball on a conservative replacement.

Another Cabinet prospect: Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.).

Why it matters: A Republican strategist, closely familiar with the transition conversations, say in an email: “That vote would have repealed Obamacare last month [the stronger version that was considered before the Fourth of July break]. A strong Chief [of staff] would have understood and executed on that wisdom instead of waiting and watching the President’s agenda lose by narrow margin.

“In short, if [Gen. John] Kelly — or someone of equal strength — was the Chief of Staff in January, Obamacare would be repealed today. And who knows what else may already be accomplished.”

If it makes them feel better…

Of course there’s no indication that any of those people would have accepted or that their successors would have voted for the repeal. There’s a reason they couldn’t get to 50 — it was a piece of garbage.

But at this point fantasies about what might have been if only the Big Manly General had been in charge are all they’ve got.


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