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Lock her up, goddamit!!! That’s what they voted for and that’s what they want to see.

Lock her up, goddamit!!!

by digby

That’s what they voted for and that’s what they want to see.

I have written before that the Republicans would love to get back  to harassing Hillary Clinton sooner rather than later so they could put on a big show to distract from the traitorous imbecile they installed in the White House. Imagine if they could get Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, (Hye, maybe even Obama) up on the Hill for hearings. It would electrify their base and probably many others who hate Trump a lot less than they hate Clinton. She is the anti-Christ across the political spectrum.

Anyway, here’s the latest update:

Between Russian meddling in last year’s election, Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey and the president’s public drubbing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the House Judiciary Committee has a lot it could be looking into.

But its Republican chairman, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, has a different priority: investigating Hillary Clinton.

Goodlatte has called for new scrutiny of decisions made by President Barack Obama’s Justice Department in its probe of Clinton’s use of a private email server, as well as alleged Clinton ties to foreign governments and the leaking of classified information…

Republicans in Congress have struggled to calibrate their approaches to the Russia investigation and the current administration’s actions, with many of them torn between protecting a Republican administration from partisan attacks and conducting defensive oversight in case significant wrongdoing emerges.

The House Judiciary panel has remained unusually standoffish. When Democrats on the panel tried last week to force through a resolution demanding more information on Sessions’s role in Comey’s firing, Goodlatte and Republicans on the panel turned it into a request demanding new probes into Clinton.[…]
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee say they back Goodlatte’s position.

“The Democrats make sure that just about all we talk about in Judiciary is Russia — even though they don’t even know how to find Russia on the map,” said Representative Trent Franks of Arizona in an interview. “They just want to use it as a political bludgeon against Trump.”

Andy Biggs of Arizona, another Republican on the panel, says there are plenty of Russia investigations already underway. Like Goodlatte, he sees a need to investigate Obama administration officials, saying there are unresolved questions about Clinton’s emails and other topics.

“Those need to be answered,” he said at last week’s hearing.

I don’t know if they will be able to put on this show. But you know they want to.

Oh and by the way, the House Judiciary Committee — the committee which would have to start impeachment hearings — had no intention of looking into Trump and Russia or anything else pertaining to the current president.


This is unbelievable


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