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Pravda on the cheap

Pravda on the cheap

by digby

Fox and Friends are too critical so Donald Trump launched his own TV show yesterday:

Former CNN commentator Kayleigh McEnany hosted a flattering news segment on President Donald Trump’s Facebook page on Sunday, one day after she left the cable network.

“Thank you for joining us as we provide the news of the week from Trump Tower here in New York,” McEnany said at the top of a roughly 1.5-minute segment, called “News of the Week,” that was posted to Trump’s official Facebook page.

It’s unclear whether McEnany is being compensated by the Trump campaign, the Trump Organization, or another source. McEnany did not return a request for comment.

During the segment, McEnany touted the most recent jobs report and unemployment statistics, adding, “President Trump has clearly steered the economy back in the right direction.”

It was the second news-style segment posted to Trump’s Facebook page in the past week — the first was spearheaded by Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara. She similarly praised the president throughout her segment, and she ended by saying she had brought the “real news” to the American people.

Since the series launched, it has been compared to state-run media outlets in countries such as Russia and Syria, both notorious for their mistreatment of independent journalists and crackdowns on press freedom.

“Wow. Feels eerily like so many state-owned channels I’ve watched in other countries,” the former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul wrote.

Oh wait. Here’s the real one. Hard to tell the difference:


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