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He’s not usually so shy

He’s not usually so shy

by digby

“Alt-right” flashing their gang signs in the WH

In case you were wondering:

Here’s a brief and certainly incomplete collection of some of the various people, things, and entities that the president has spoken out against by name since taking office:

Opinion polls that are unflattering to him;


— The “fake news” media;

— Specifically “CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTIMES & WAPO”;

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd;

The New York Times;

— The “fake” reporting on his campaign’s potential collusion with Russia;

— The “witch hunt” that is the investigation into his campaign’s potential collusion with Russia;



Anonymous sources;

Senator Lisa Murkowski;

Senator John McCain;

Senator Lindsey Graham;

All Senate Republicans;


Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch;

His own attorney general, Jeff Sessions;

Acting FBI director Andrew McCabe;

Former FBI director James Comey;

The FBI;

— “Fake tears” Cryin’ Chuck Schumer;

Nancy Pelosi;

Congressmember Adam Schiff;

Senator Richard Blumenthal;

Barack Obama;

Hillary Clinton;

John Podesta;

Democratic congressional candidate Jon Ossoff;

Democrats in Congress;


North Korea’s unsuccessful missiles;

North Korea;





London mayor Sadiq Khan;

“Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika”;

Morning Joe;

Arnold Schwarzenegger;

Snoop Dogg;

Mark Cuban;


Kathy Griffin;

The Ninth Circuit Court;

Transgender military service members;

Chelsea Manning;

M3-13 gang members;

The idea that his first 100 days in office were of symbolic significance.

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