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QOTD: Rich Lowry

QOTD: Rich Lowry

by digby

“if these monuments are going to become rallying points for Neo-Nazis, maybe they do have to go” — @RichLowry

Yeah, well, they’ve been a rallying point for white supremacists from the beginning. What’s the difference?

Update: QOTD II. The mother of the driver of the car that mowed down protesters yesterday:

Field’s mother, Samantha Bloom, told The Associated Press on Saturday night that she knew her son was attending a rally in Virginia but didn’t know it was a white supremacist rally.

“I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump’s not a white supremacist,” Bloom said.

“He had an African-American friend so …,” she said before her voice trailed off. She added that she’d be surprised if her son’s views were that far right.

Yes, Trump IS a white supremacist. And having a black friend doesn’t mean you aren’t one.

Those are two things too many Americans failed to understand in 2016.


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