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80% of Republicans back Trump on Charlottesville

80% of Republicans back Trump on Charlottesville

by digby

Despite the fact that a neo-Nazi plowed into a crowed of people injuring many and killing one “counter-protester” by the name of Heather Heyer, and a group of torch bearing Nazis marched through the streets shouting “Jews will not replace us”, 80% of Republicans think that “both sides” were to blame for the events in Charlottesville.

It would seem that the Republican party believes that Nazis should be left alone to do whatever they want unopposed. I don’t see how you can look at that result and think otherwise.

Such good people they are, every last one of them.

I think that Democrats had better start grappling with the fact that Republicans will follow him anywhere and back him no matter what he says or does.  It is now a cult, not a political party.


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