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Genuinely Sickening, On So Many Levels by tristero

Genuinely Sickening, On So Many Levels 

by tristero

If this is true, the karma the men (because it has be men, or mostly men) who did this will take aeons to purify. And it is a reminder it is the Republican party – not just Trump – that is callous to the point of monstrousness:

When he was 11 years old, LJ Stroud of St. Augustine, Florida, had a tooth emerge in a place where no tooth belongs: the roof of his mouth. 

LJ was born with severe cleft lip and palate, which explained the strange eruption, as well as the constant ear infections that no antibiotic could remedy. 

With her son in terrible pain, Meredith Stroud arranged for surgeries to fix his problems. 

But just days before the procedures were to take place, the surgeons’ office called to cancel them. 

Like nearly half of all children in Florida, LJ is on Medicaid, which has several types of insurance plans. The state had switched LJ to a new plan, and his surgeons didn’t take it… 

“He was in pain every day,” Stroud said. “I just felt so helpless. It’s such a horrible feeling where you can’t help your kid…” 

 …parents and Florida pediatricians raise questions about the true reasons why Florida’s Republican administration switched the children’s health plans. They question whether it was to financially reward insurance companies that had donated millions of dollars to the Republican Party of Florida. 

This was a way for the politicians to repay the entities that had contributed to their political campaigns and their political success, and it’s the children who suffered,” said Dr. Louis St. Petery, former executive vice president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

 I’m truly at a loss for words. This is an explosive accusation. But CNN has pretty good fact checkers so I’m going with the story being accurate.

And now excuse me, I’m going to be sick.

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