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Unctuous enabler in the wings

Unctuous enabler in the wings

by digby

The crown prince of oleaginous sanctimony weighed in on Trump again this morning:

LAUER: You are a loyal defender of this president and you should be commended for that. But other top Republican leaders have rebuked him. Top military leaders have rebuked him. Business leaders have rebuked him for his comments on Charlottesville, and you continue to defend him. Are you putting your loyalty above, and in front of, what’s in your heart and your gut? 

PENCE: Matt, I know this president, I know his heart. And I heard him on the day the Charlottesville tragedy happened when he denounced hate and violence in all of its forms from wherever it comes. I heard him on that Monday, and I heard him as well on Tuesday, like millions of Americans did, where he condemned the hate and the bigotry that was evidenced there. 

LAUER: But [he] went back to saying there’s blame on both sides. 

PENCE: Look, we understand that criticism comes with this job and this president has the kind of broad shoulders to be able to take it.


Pence’s claim that Trump has “broad shoulders” and can take all the criticism is especially comical. Trump reportedly raged in private that his early comments were deemed insufficient, and he spent most of last week lashing out wildly as the condemnations, and defections, rolled in.

If Pence somehow succeeds Trump in the White House it will just be a slightly lower number of the seven circles of hell.


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