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An adorable headline from an earlier time

An adorable headline from an earlier time

by digby

So sweet. Yes, there are laws against cabinet officials doing political work but those don’t apply to the Trump administration.

Ethics, norms and laws are no longer operative. They will remain on the shelf until the next Democrat enters the White House when Republicans will suddenly rediscover them and will hold hearings and investigations into the smallest hint that the president or anyone he or she has ever known might have violated something, anything. They will not have even the slightest bit of shame or embarrassment about it, even though Democrats will scream “what about Trump!” until they are hoarse.

Indeed, they will smirk and shrug their shoulders and laugh behind their hands at the stupid people who will help them uphold the rule of law when it suits them and stand by impotently when they use any means necessary to maintain power. They play an entirely different game.

Anyway, that headline is adorable. But completely irrelevant. We have a president who is currently making cold hard cash from businesses from which he refused to divest. He makes personal appearances at his properties on the week-ends where people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege.


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