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“Embers?” Seriously, Mr. Remnick? by tristero

“Embers?” Seriously, Mr. Remnick? 

by tristero

David Remnick, editor-in-chief of the New Yorker this week (which, incidentally, has an awesome cover):

For half a century, in fact, the leaders of the G.O.P. have fanned the lingering embers of racial resentment in the United States.

As lovely a phrase as “lingering embers” is, it’s complete and total nonsense.

Although Clinton won the popular vote 48%-46%, nearly 63 million Americans voted for a presidential candidate that made his sympathies with white supremacists crystal clear.

My suspicion is that very few people of color would describe 46% popular support for Donald Trump as evidence that the American racial fire was ever reduced to “lingering embers.”

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