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All hands on deck again

All hands on deck again

by digby

This Graham-Cassidy Hail Mary to repeal and replace Obamacare is a real threat. We don’t know that it will pass but now that the Democrats helped the Republicans clear the must-pass agenda for September so they could troll Paul Ryan, they have time to make another run at it before the deadline, after which the GOP will have to get 60 votes to pass it.

It’s very bad and my guess is that the hope is that Huckleberry Graham will be able to get his bff McCain to switch. It’s entirely possible. I don’t think McCain cares about destroying the health care system. He just wanted to stick it to Trump and he did that.

Anyway, that’s all spilled milk. It’s all hands on deck again for the next two weeks to make sure this doesn’t happen. It’s very, very bad:

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