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He’s having fun

He’s having fun

by digby

The New York Times published an article today about Donald Trump’s lack of humor. It’s true. We’ve rarely ever seen him laugh and his “jokes” are usually just crude insults that his followers laugh at because they hate everyone who isn’t them.

This recounts the only known time anyone can find when Trump laughed out loud on the campaign trail:

Thanks to the power of the internet, there is proof that our president has indeed laughed at least once. This was during a campaign rally in January, when Mr. Trump’s speech was interrupted by a barking dog.

“It’s Hillary!” an audience member shouted. And the candidate tilted his head back, opened his mouth wide and laughed without reservation, quite possibly for the first time in his political life.

I’m sure he laughed at this today as he retweeted it:

This is 12 year old bully stuff, gross, stupid, puerile.

President Trump retweeted a meme on Sunday morning that showed him hitting Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball, prompting another round of outrage from critics who felt the president’s tweets had once again crossed the line.

The animated GIF spliced together a clip of Trump swinging a golf club with footage of Clinton falling, apparently edited to appear as though a golf ball had struck her down.

The image was originally posted as a reply to the president by a Twitter user named @Fuctupmind, whose bio consists of pro-Trump, anti-Clinton hashtags.

Trump’s love of Twitter and his propensity to post controversial tweets — often very late at night or first thing in the morning — is well known. The golf-swing repost, however, was part of an unusual retweet spree in which Trump shared at least half a dozen tweets from other accounts that showed him in a favorable light. Three were from an account called “Trumpism 5.0,” which included a train wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

This is his idea of fun.

He’s 71 years old.

Update: Meet the piece of work the president thinks is such a funny guy that he retweets him to millions of followers.


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