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Terrifying quote of the week

Terrifying quote of the week

by digby

His attitude is the only one that matters

I know I mentioned it yesterday but I’m just putting this out there for posterity because … well, we are in terrible danger:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think I have a little bit different attitude on North Korea than other people might have.

And I listen to everybody, but ultimately my attitude is the one that matters, isn’t it?

That’s the way it works. That’s the way the system is.

But I think I might have a somewhat different attitude and a different way than other people.

I think perhaps I feel stronger and tougher on that subject than other people, but I listen to everybody.

And ultimately, I will do what’s right for the United States and, really, what’s right for the world.

Because that’s really a world problem; that’s beyond just the United States.

That’s a world problem, and it’s a problem that has to be solved.

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