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He’s just going to blow it all up

He’s just going to blow it all up

by digby

I am more impressed by his populism and isolationism every day. Just this week, he’s told Puerto Rico they can all die, he’s signed an executive order to destroy health insurance for millions and now this:

President Trump announced Friday that he was decertifying the Iran nuclear deal, stating that he will not support a “fanatical regime that has spread chaos and death around the world.” Simultaneously, his administration issued sanctions against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard for supporting terrorism, a move which reveals Trump has every intention of letting the deal implode.

Key quote: “In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated… our participation can be canceled by me, as president, at any time.”

I’m sure Kim Jong Un will have a renewed interest in negotiations knowing that.

Sadly, the Republican party is fine with all this. This isn’t what they consider the “crazy” stuff.


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