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Will this intensity translate into votes?

Will this intensity translate into votes?

by digby

Who knows if loathing for Trump will get people to the polls? But it’s there:

Gallup asked 2,016 U.S. adults Oct. 2-5, “How supportive are you of Donald Trump on a 100-point scale where zero means you do not support anything he is doing as president and 100 means you support everything he is doing as president?” The average score among all adults is 43 — slightly higher than Trump’s 39% job approval rating for the same four days of polling.

Reflecting the generally polarized nature of U.S. politics today, a majority either dislike most of what Trump is doing (43% give a score of 20 or lower) or support almost everything he’s doing (22% give a score higher than 80). About a third of Americans have relatively mixed feelings, neither strongly supporting nor opposing the Trump presidency.

Among Democratic and Republican partisans, the averages for each group fall at opposite ends of the scale:

Among Democrats, the average score is 16. Although a majority of Democrats give Trump’s actions a score of 3 or lower, a quarter of Democrats score the Trump presidency a 21 or higher.

Republicans support Trump less wholeheartedly than Democrats oppose him, giving him an average score of 77. About half of Republicans (47%) give his presidency a score of 80 or lower.

Independents’ average score is 40. Slightly more than a third (37%) give Trump a rating between 21 and 80.

I don’t know if people will get out to vote. There is an encroaching withdrawal and malaise setting in — there’s just so much political horror people can take. But hopefully, everyone will do the one thing that requires just a small amount of effort but will make a huge difference if we all pitch in: vote.

It can be done. The Democrats tossed out the Republican congress in 2006. The Republicans turned round and did the same thing in 2010. It’s never been more vital than now.


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