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The president thinks the DOJ works for him

The president thinks the DOJ works for himby digbyYou’d think he would have learned after firing Comey that interfering with the Department of Justice is a Very Bad Idea. But noooo:

The number of inappropriate contacts & requests from Trump to DOJ is staggering. Since his election, he has: interviewed @PreetBharara, called @PreetBharara repeatedly to try and curry favor; privately asked the FBI director for a loyalty pledge; asked the FBI director to drop a case; publicly told the AG what to probe; railed to the AG about recusing from a probe INTO HIM; asked the AG to drop a case into a political supporter (Arpaio), & now interviewed US attorneys in districts where he has exposure.

Any of these alone is a huge scandal. Together, they’re a total indictment of his attempt to undermine an independent DOJ & the rule of law

Yes, it does seem just a little bit … suspicious.

To think that the Attorney General under Bush was forced to resign because he fired some Us Attorneys for failing to make some desired political prosecutions. Under trump that wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. After all, he’s actually fired the FBI director for looking into his relationship with a foreign government and is still carrying on interviewing US Attorneys who might have jurisdiction over his own suspected criminal activity. And it’s just … happening. I’m going to guess from now on that Republicans will be free to do whatever they want with the DOJ. (Democrats won’t, of course, because Republicans would show up at the White House with tiki torches chanting “Impeach! Impeach!” and everyone would run for cover.)

It’s maddening.


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