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QOTD: Kellyanne

QOTD: Kellyanne
by digby

She truly is soulless. A week ago she said, “there is no Senate seat worth more than a child.”
Now she’s changed her mind:

Conway: Doug Jones in Alabama, folks, don’t be fooled. He will be a vote against tax cuts. He is weak on crime. Weak on borders. He is strong on raising your taxes. He is terrible for property owners —

Kilmeade: So vote Roy Moore?

Conway: — Doug Jones is a doctrinaire liberal, which is why he is not saying anything and why the media are trying to boost him.

Kilmeade: So, vote Roy Moore?

Conway: I’m telling you that we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through. And the media — if the media were really concerned about all these allegation, and that’s what this is truly about, and the Democrats, Al Franken would be on the heap of bygone half funny comedians. He wouldn’t be here on Capitol Hill. He still has his job. What’s Bob Menendez doing back here? That’s the best my state of New Jersey can do huh, Doocy? You live there. Let me tell you something, this guy, Doug Jones, is a doctrinaire liberal.

There you have it. No word on how much fun it is to work for the admitted pussy-grabber in the White House. But he’ll sign tax cuts so it’s all good.

I wish I believed that this would finally end the right’s self-righteous blather about “family values” and “honor and dignity” but it won’t. You can see how that works with Conway blithely saying that Franken and Menendez should be drummed out of the Senate in the same breath that she defends a former district attorney and judge who preyed upon underage girls so blatantly that the people at the mall were warned about him. And, again, she works for the man who was credibly accused of the same kind of physical assault he bragged about on tape by at least 16 women.

None of this will change their sanctimonious attacks on liberals in the future. They are unconcerned with being called hypocrites. It’s simply a weapon they use to bludgeon the other side which does care about hypocrisy. This has been obvious for many years but this episode illustrates their game in living color. They are able to twist their opponents into pretzels with this sort of thing.

I’m sure Trump laughed when Kellyanne did her little projection jiujitsu this morning and gave her a big kiss when he saw her. She was talking directly to him.


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