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The past of angels

The past of angelsby digby

This is where we are now. Trump says Moore has denied it (as he himself has) and that Doug Jones is very bad on crime. What he means by that is that Doug Jones was a prosecutor who got convictions for the white KKK members who blew up a church. Those men were undoubtedly “fine people” who just wanted to preserve their heritage and Trump and his white supremacist followers don’t think it’s right that they had to go to jail for that. After all, they only killed four little black girls.
He says there’s no proof and you have to take his word as much as the long line of accusers and witnesses. One might say that Trump is just standing up for due process but that would be the first time he’s ever done that. In the past even DNA exoneration hasn’t been enough for him:

My opinion on the settlement of the Central Park Jogger case is that it’s a disgrace. A detective close to the case, and who has followed it since 1989, calls it “the heist of the century.”

Settling doesn’t mean innocence, but it indicates incompetence on several levels. This case has not been dormant, and many people have asked why it took so long to settle? It is politics at its lowest and worst form.

What about the other people who were brutalized that night, in addition to the jogger?

One thing we know is that the amount of time, energy and money that has been spent on this case is unacceptable. The justice system has a lot to answer for, as does the City of New York regarding this very mishandled disaster.

Information was being leaked to newspapers by someone on the case from the beginning, and the blunders were frequent and obvious.

As a long-time resident of New York City, I think it is ridiculous for this case to be settled — and I hope that has not yet taken place.

Forty million dollars is a lot of money for the taxpayers of New York to pay when we are already the highest taxed city and state in the country. The recipients must be laughing out loud at the stupidity of the city.

Speak to the detectives on the case and try listening to the facts. These young men do not exactly have the pasts of angels.

What about all the people who were so desperately hurt and affected? I hope it’s not too late to continue to fight and that this unfortunate event will not have a repeat episode any time soon — or ever.

These guys are guilty no matter what. Roy Moore deserves the benefit of the doubt. Doug Jones is soft on crime because he prosecuted KKK members.

That’s pretty much where we are.


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