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Trump and the turkeys

Trump and the turkeysby digby

Surprisingly he didn’t name the turkeys Manafort and Flynn.
Trump pardoning the turkey today was strange. He’s just not good at the ceremonial stuff. He barely looked at his 11 year old son standing next to him. (Their relationship is strange.) And he “joked” that he had reversed many of his predecessors actions and had looked into reversing the pardons of the turkeys last year but was told he couldn’t do it.

So, much as he’s taking credit for saving the elephants he had planned to be killed, he acted like he was some kind of benevolent dictator for not executing Obama’s turkeys which he joked that he wanted to do. I think that speech was written by Mike Huckabee. It’s his kind of nasty…

There is only one turkey pardon ceremony ever worth watching:

Update: by the way, dressing your 11 year old kid in a suit all the time is weird. It lends credence to this story:

I was hanging out in a freshman dorm with some friends, next door to Donald Jr.’s room. I walked out of the room to find Donald Trump at his son’s door, there to pick him up for a baseball game. There were quite a few students standing around watching, trying to catch a glimpse of the famed real estate magnate. Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates. He simply said “put on a suit and meet me outside,” and closed the door.



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