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He’s quite the salesman for US products isn’t he?

He’s quite the salesman for US products isn’t he?by digby

Here’s Trump talking to troops on Thanksgiving:

But, I mean, we have equipment that — nobody has the equipment that we have. And it’s sad when we’re selling our equipment to other countries but we’re not buying it ourselves ok?

But now that’s all changed. And the stuff I said — the stuff that we have is always a little bit better too. You know, when we sell to other countries, even if they’re allies — you never know about an ally. An ally can turn. You understand. You’re going to find that out.

But I always say, make ours a little bit better, You know, give it that extra speed. A little bit — keep a little bit — keep about 10 percent in the bag because what we have — nobody has like what we have, and that’s what we’re doing.

So let’s parse this a bit shall we?

First, he says the US is selling military equipment to other countries but not to the US. That’s ridiculous.

Second, he says that he’s instructed the military contractors that they must make the weapons and other equipment sold to America “a little better” than the equipment they send to other countries because you can’t depend on your allies not to turn on you.

What an excellent thing for a US president to say.

And what did he mean with the ominous comment “you’re going to find out..?”

I realize that this is mostly just word salad because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But his words are always a window into his twisted mind. In this case we know that he doesn’t realize he’s saying that American military contractors are selling defective equipmen tto our allies which I’m fairly sure they won’t be happy to have to account for, even if it isn’t true which it isn’t, of course. The president can’t order such a thing. It’s yet another example of his vainglorious vanity.

And he obviously thinks some ally is going to “betray” him. Your guess is as good as mine as to who that might be.




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