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Oh, what’s one less vote in congress anyway, amirite?

Oh, what’s one less vote in congress anyway, amirite?by digby

Well this is working out nicely:

Michigan’s Republican governor announced Friday that Democrat John Conyers’ congressional seat will not be filled until the regularly scheduled November election, leaving it vacant for nearly a year.

Gov. Rick Snyder decided the post will be listed twice on the August primary and November general election ballots. While unlikely, it is possible voters could choose one candidate to fill the vacancy until January 2019 and elect another to a full two-year term after that.

It is unusual for a congressional district to stay vacant for so long, according to a review of roughly 100 vacancies and successors listed on the House website for the last 20 years. The longest time a seat stayed empty was about 10 months — both in 2014, when Rep. Melvin Watt of North Carolina left to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and 2006, when Rep. Bob Menendez of New Jersey was appointed to the Senate.

In case you were wondering there are whole lot more Republican governors than Democratic. So as more dominoes fall, as they surely will, I’d guess you can count on this happening in any Republican run state that has the option of delaying replacement of a Democrat as long as possible so they can ram through Trump’s carnage agenda. Wonderful.


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