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Make Armageddon Great Again

Make Armageddon Great Againby digby

Trump’s rally last Friday in Pensacola was pretty typical: creepy, stupid and frightening. But I want to highlight one of the people who introduced him. I think this was a telling moment:

A conservative politician at President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida suggested that the president’s controversial decision to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem may usher in the biblical end times.

Republican state Senator Doug Broxson represents the Florida Panhandle in the legislature and gave an introductory speech welcoming President Trump to Florida.

“Now, I don’t know about you, but when I heard about Jerusalem — where the King of Kings [applause] where our soon coming King is coming back to Jerusalem, it is because President Trump declared Jerusalem to be capitol of Israel,” Sen. Broxson predicted.

Go to 33:00 to see how he said it and hear the audience reaction.

This guy is saying out lous that Trump declaring Jerusalem the capitol of Israel will bring on Armageddon and the Second Coming. And this audience of Trump loving Real Americans cheers wildly.

Now, if this were an audience of secular people you might just think they’re cheering for tax cuts or “the wall” or “lock her up.” But this is one issue Trump’s conservative evangelical base knows more about than Trump or the rest of us. They read the Bible, they hear about it in church.

They are cheering for the end of the world.

I think a good many of those Trump voters see him as the hand of God.

I’m surprised nobody has pointed out that Satan is a master of deception.


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