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You thought 2017 was crazy? Fasten your seatbelts.

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You thought 2017 was crazy? Fasten your seatbelts.
by digby

FDR lighting the National Christmas tree

I don’t know about you but I’m going to be glancing at my news feed a little bit more frequently over the next couple of weeks just in case President Trump decides to pull the trigger and fire Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. He’s said he won’t, but he lies constantly. If he wants to do it, he will.

2018 is probably going to be a more tumultuous year than 2017, if you can believe that. We have an election coming and while we always say it’s the most “important election of our lifetimes”, this time it actually is. The Republicans must be repudiated by the American people at the ballot box or something even worse than Trump will happen to this country.

If this tax cut atrocity doesn’t tell us anything else, it should be clear that the single most important thing we can do is take back control of congress to stop any more legislation like this from ever getting into Trump’s tiny hands again.

And then there is the desperate need for real congressional investigations into what happened with the cyber attacks of 2016. Regardless of whether they actually put Trump and his cronies on the hot seat, they simply must hold public hearings about the election interference, educate the nation about what we face in the future.

And regardless of whether Trump fires Mueller, this next year will feature the ongoing drama of the Russia investigation and potential criminal charges of some of the president’s closest associates and maybe himself no matter what, whether it moves to state courts or another federal prosecutor takes up the case down the road. Remember, when Nixon fired Archibald Cox he ended up appointing a conservative Republican, Leon Jaworski, to lead the probe and he was as appalled Cox when he saw the evidence of the president’s criminality.

There’s a reason that many members of the Department of Justice and the FBI were stunned by what they saw in the Russia investigations before and after the election and it wasn’t because they loved Hillary Clinton or were liberal Democrats.

Whatever happens, it’s not going to be over any time soon. It is vital that we stay on top of this, that we don’t withdraw, as tempting as it is. We can’t escape the consequences of what this president and this party are doing to our society, our country and the world. We have to remain engaged.

I’ll be covering it closely here at Hullabaloo every single day. I hope that those of you with busy lives who do not have the time to closely follow the ins and outs of politics every day will use this blog as a place to stop in and at least get a feel for the zeitgeist. I try very hard to keep my eyes open and my mind clear, despite all the gaslighting and the normalization of this craziness.

This is not normal. It can never be allowed to become normal if we are to come out of this with our country intact.

If that’s something that matters to you too, perhaps you’ll drop a little something in the Hullabaloo Christmas stocking this year. I would be most appreciative of anything you can contribute.

As always I’m immensely grateful for all of you who drop by to read this creaky old blog. It’s what keeps me going. Together we will get through this.

Happy Hollandaise everyone! Keep the faith.

cheers — digby


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