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She was for windmills

She was for windmillsby digby

At the press conference with the Norwegian Prime Minister, same day:

And when you talk about interviews, Hillary Clinton had an interview where she wasn’t sworn in. She wasn’t given the oath. They didn’t take notes. They didn’t record. And it was done on the 4th of July weekend. That’s perhaps ridiculous. And a lot of people looked upon that as being a very serious breach and it really was.

Hillary was not for a strong military. And Hillary, my opponent, was for windmills. And she was for other types of energy that don’t have the same capacities at this moment, certainly.

He just can’t quit her.

Here’s how he answered the question about whether he will speak with Mueller :

Well again John, there has been no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians or Trump and Russians.

No collusion

When I watch you interviewing all the people leaving their committees, the Democrats are all running for office and they’re trying to say this.

But bottom line, all say there’s no collusion. And there is no collusion.

And when you talk about interviews Hillary Clinton had an interview where she wasn’t sworn in. She wasn’t given the oath, They didn’t take notes, They didn’t record, And it was done on the 4th of July weekend. That’s perhaps ridiculous, And a lot of people looked upon that as being a very serious breach and it really was. But again I’ll speak to attorneys, I can only say this.

There was absolutely no collusion.

Everybody knows it. Every committee. I’ve been in office now for over 11 months, For 11 months they’ve hat this phony cloud over this administration,over our government. And it has hurt our government. It does hurt our government, It’s a Democrat hoax that was brought up as an excuse for losing an election that, frankly, the Democrats should have won, because they have such a tremendous advantage in the electoral college. So it was brought up for that reason.

But it has been determined that there is no collusion and by virtually everybody.

So we’ll see what happens.

And that was one of the more intelligible of his answers. Mostly because he just rattled off the words no collusion over and over again.

You can say there’s nothing wrong with him. Maybe he doesn’t have cognitive deficits. Maybe there is no psychological diagnosis. I think that’s probably true. He’s just dumb.

Here, watch the whole embarrassing thing.


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