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Oh Sarah

Oh Sarahby digby

In this moment of growing feminist awareness and solidarity it would be a mistake to think that everything has changed:

During a White House event on Tuesday entitled “A Conversation with the Women of America,” Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders advised women to ask their husbands and boyfriends to buy them jewelry. And things got even stranger from there.

Sanders plug for jewelry came after she introduced a woman named Sharon who told panelists — including White House staffer Ivanka Trump and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao — that she’s a business owner.

“I’m a jewelry store owner of more than 20 years in the Atlanta area, so I’m ecstatic about the tax reform bill,” Sharon said, at which point Sanders jumped in with some advice.

“Give your husbands, your boyfriends her contact information,” Sanders said, with Ivanka Trump adding, “We’re going to have to send some people your way… my secret skill, matchmaking.”

Women can buy their own jewelry these days. Maybe Sarah hasn’t heard.

The next thing you know, Sarah’s going to be holding Tupperware parties in the West Wing. (Not that there’s anything wrong with selling Tupperware. Just that Huckabee Sanders probably ought to stick to her own business…)

In case you were wondering:

Since taking office, the Trump administration has taken steps to stop monitoring the wage gap, worked to dismantle legislation that prevents sex and gender discrimination in education, and made it easier for employers to stop covering contraceptive coverage, among other measures that have made life more difficult for women.

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