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QOTD: Trump

QOTD: Trumpby digby

“There’s been no collusion whatsoever.There’s no obstruction whatsoever. And I’m looking forward to it…

You fight back, oh, it’s obstruction.”

He thinks that using the power of his office to get his buddy out of trouble and stop an investigation into his campaign is “fighting back.” That’s true, it is. But it’s also illegal.

Once again, it’s clear that Donald Trump believes that he is above the law and that as president he has the right to do anything he chooses. He has flouted all the norms and rules against conflict of interest and continues to profit from his company which is clearly selling influence. There was no law against doing that because nobody has ever had the brass to do such a thing before. So he did it.

But this is different. Even the president cannot “fight back” by breaking the law. He still doesn’t seem to know that.

And, by the way, his “no collusion” mantra may be equally uninformed. He knows there is no law against what he calls “collusion” so that means it’s fine to do it, just like it’s fine to make profits off of your own business selling access and influence while you are president.

But there’s another word that means the same thing that actually is illegal. It’s called “conspiracy.” “Money laundering” is illegal too, as is “income tax evasion” and “fraud” all of which could be uncovered by prosecutors. And he knows it.


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