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Melania humiliated

Melania humiliated
by digby

I don’t know if this is true. It’s the Daily Mail (which is usually sympathetic to Trump.) But it would not surprise me. The details of Trump and Stormy Daniels’ relationship were graphic and creepy. If she knows it’s possible — or if her husband admitted it and told her STFU, which is more likely — she has to feel terrible. It may not be the reason she dropped out of the trip and changed her plans abruptly but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Daniels, who has starred in movies such as ‘Good Will Humping’ and ‘Operation Desert Stormy,’ claimed she could intimately describe the president’s manhood and even revealed sex positions they had enjoyed.

At the time, Melania would have been caring for her and Trump’s four-month-old son Barron.

Sparking more rumors and speculation about the impact on their marriage, on Tuesday it was announced she would not be joining President Trump on his trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland as was originally planned.

East Wing communications director Stephanie Grisham confirmed to that the first lady’s decision to forgo the trip to Davos was based on ‘scheduling and logistical issues,’ as CNN reported.

Grisham had said the First Lady had intended to go to Davos as a show of support for her husband, who will deliver a speech at the forum.

But White House sources have told that a memo sent to staffers also indicated the first lady was not expected to make any solo appearances while the President is away, drawing into question how her schedule is conflicted.

One well-placed source said: ‘Melania spends three to four days a week away from the White House and has stayed at a hotel in D.C. multiple times in January, often for days at a time. She also travels up to New York.

‘She rarely comes into his West Wing office as other first ladies have done and her schedule is vague at best.

‘She seems to be avoiding duties unless there is a very special reason.

‘Talk among staffers is that the Stormy Daniels affair hit her hard, it’s been upsetting and humiliating and her relationship with President Trump has become strained.

And regardless of how you feel about her and her choices in a husband and political views, humiliation in the face of the world knowing that your husband was unfaithful is a universal feeling. And that it would have been with a porn star while he was haranguing her about “losing the baby weight” has to sting. It’s as gross as it gets. I can’t help but feel some compassion for her in this situation.


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