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Helping DREAMers should be an easy bipartisan win. Why isn’t it?

Helping DREAMers should be an easy bipartisan win. Why isn’t it?
by digby

With numbers like these, why in the ever-loving hell are these right wing nativist bigots getting heir way on immigration? Why?

As the Senate kicks off immigration week, February 6, 2018 polling from Quinnipiac offers a reminder that the American public overwhelming supports Dreamers and strongly opposes key elements of the White House immigration framework.

Among the key findings in the new Quinnipiac Poll:

By an 81-14% margin, Americans want Dreamers to gain citizenship: Support is overwhelmingly pro-Dreamer when respondents were asked if they support, “allowing undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to remain in the United States and eventually apply for citizenship.”
Support for Dreamers is overwhelming across party lines – 94% of Democrats, 82% of Independents, and 68% of Republicans support citizenship: GOP voters support citizenship by a 68-24% margin, white men by a 75-20% margin, and voters over 65 by a 80-14% margin.
By approximately a 2:1 margin, the American public opposes a border wall – especially if Trump’s $25 billion price tag is attached: When first asked if they support or oppose a border wall with Mexico, the public opposes the wall by a 59-37% margin. A follow-up question, which includes reference to the $25 billion price tag that President Trump has requested to build such a wall, generates even stronger opposition – by a 65-33% margin.
As President Trump and allies seek to slash legal immigration levels, 78% of Americans are opposed: A majority of Americans (54%) support keeping legal immigration levels the same as current, while more Americans (24%) support increasing legal immigration rather than decreasing (17%). Even 71% of Republican voters want legal immigration levels to either stay the same (53%) or increase (18%). Additional poll questions found support for maintaining the current policy regarding family reunification/chain migration (49-43% support current approach that supports sponsorship for all immediate family members) and the diversity visa lottery (48-39% support).
The public overwhelmingly rejects the idea that undocumented immigrants take jobs from Americans or are prone to commit more crimes than Americans. Despite the transparent and relentless scapegoating efforts from this administration, Americans do not believe undocumented immigrants take jobs away from American citizens (63-33% reject this idea) and do not believe that undocumented immigrants commit more crimes than American citizens (72-17% reject this idea).

Not even big business wants this one. And yet the government has not been able to solve this problem for over a decade.

There is no greater example of a sick democracy than the fact that those numbers have absolutely no effect on the Republican party. The only voters they care about are their old white racists.


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