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He didn’t mean what he said

He didn’t mean what he said

by digby

Here is what he said:

There’s a lot of talk about intent these days. Here’s is a comment that perfectly illustrates Trump’s intent in firing Comey. He says it right out — no matter what Rosenstein said in his letter, Trump was going to fire him anyway because the Russia “thing” was unfair. I don’t think it gets any more explicit than that.

Also, he said this the next day to the Russian Ambassador and foreign minister in an unpublicized meeting in the oval office:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off. I’m not under investigation.”

He lives in his own world, we know that. But this is downright delusional. He seriously think people will believe he fired Comey for being unfair to Hillary Clinton? Or maybe he wants us to believe that he fired Comey for failing to lock her up, which just proves he’s the fascist he pretends to be. But none of that is true, we know that because he said in his own words that he was thinking about Russia and wanted to fire him and then bragged to the Russians the next day that he’d gotten rid of the man who was investigating him, pretty much signaling to Vladimir Putin that the coast was clear!


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