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Has KellyAnne heard of Martha Mitchell?

Has KellyAnne heard of Martha Mitchell?

by digby

“What is up with your husband’s tweets?” Bash asked, before reading off a few of them.

“It’s fascinating to me that CNN would go there, but it’s very good for the whole world to have just witnessed that it’s now fair game… how people’s spouses and significant others may differ with them,” Conway shot back. “That should really be fun.”

Bash informed the Trump adviser that she would have asked the same question if Conway was a man.

“No you wouldn’t,” Conway shot back

Conway then accused Bash of asking a question “meant to harass and embarrass,” and claimed it was possible for spouses have different opinions. She then took another jab at CNN, saying the network just had a “cross the Rubicon moment.”

I think this is a calibrated move by the Conways to preserve their Villager status despite her clear cut abdication of everything anyone could have ever called decency. They’re signaling that they “know” he’s a criminal and a cretin but she’s just doing to the job because someone has to.

As for the sexism, has she heard of Martha Mitchell? They threw her into a psychiatric hospital when she went against the regime. Now that was sexism. Also courage which George and KellyAnne have very little of. They want it both ways.


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