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The Deplorable 37%

The Deplorable 37%

by digby

You want to see evidence of Trumpism being normalized? Here it is.

Fifty-one percent of Missourians disapprove of embattled Gov. Eric Greitens’ job performance, according to a new poll, and he maintains a 37 percent approval rating.

The survey released Saturday by the Missouri Scout news service showed support for the governor riding along party lines: 57 percent of Republicans approve of the job Greitens is doing, while only 12 percent of Democrats approve.

The first-term governor received 31 percent approval among Missourians who did not cite a party preference.

The poll of 1,542 likely voters was taken Wednesday and Thursday.

On Friday, Greitens was charged with felony computer tampering after a state attorney general’s investigation into the Greitens 2016 campaign’s use of a donor list to a veterans charity he founded. Earlier this year, a St. Louis grand jury indicted Greitens on a felony charge stemming from a photo he allegedly took of a partially nude woman with whom he was having an affair.
[The woman also claims the photo was coerced and she was blackmailed into staying quiet.]

Maintaining his innocence on both matters, Greitens on Friday accused Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner of trying to smear him.

In a Pulse Opinion Research poll released in early March, 53 percent of Missourians said they had an “unfavorable opinion” of Greitens and 46 percent said he should resign.

Fifty percent of Missourians said they approved of President Donald Trump’s job performance, and 44 percent said they disapproved.

I’m sorry, there is a sizeable minority in this country who now openly prefer leaders who are racist, corrupt, sexual assaulting criminals. And it hasn’t got a goddamned thing to do with economics.


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