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Will Lesko win again in November?

Will Lesko win again in November?

by digby

It used to be that when a politician won an unexpectedly close election they would move a bit to the center, hoping that the large number of constituents who didn’t vote for them would be reassured and come around to vote for them in the next election. Republicans are no longer observing that sort of silliness. It’s scorched earth, winner take all, “suck it losers” for them:

Rep.-elect Debbie Lesko (R), who narrowly won a special election in Arizona Tuesday night, is expected to join the House Freedom Caucus after she is sworn in, the conservative group’s leader, Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) told The Hill.

Both Meadows and former Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) endorsed Lesko in her GOP primary earlier this year. And the Freedom Fund, the super PAC aligned with the Freedom Caucus, contributed to her campaign during the primary.

“We felt she was the best candidate in the 8th District of Arizona. We look forward to having her join our ranks as a strong contributing member of the Freedom Caucus when she gets sworn in as a new member of Congress,” Meadows said in a Wednesday morning phone interview.

“We have every expectation an invitation to join the caucus will be made and that she will gladly accept,” he added.

To join the roughly 30-member Freedom Caucus, a GOP lawmaker needs to be invited by the group; that only happens after a formal vote by the members.

And this woman is joining the most extremist far right group in the congress even though she has to run again in November!

They are living in their own world, all of them.


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