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Rudy forgot about Trump’s history of acting in porno movies

Rudy forgot about Trump’s history of acting in porno movies

by digby

I look forward to hearing Rudy explain that soft core porn is just fine and totally different than Stormy Daniels career:

When Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that Stormy Daniels has no credibility because she is is a porn star, he neglected to mention that his client, President Donald Trump, has appeared in three Playboy videos that feature nudity and softcore pornographic content.

“So yes, I respect all human beings,” Giuliani said at a conference in Tel Aviv, talking about Daniels, who alleges that she had an affair with Trump, which he denies. “I even have to respect, you know, criminals. But I’m sorry, I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person and isn’t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation.”

The former Republican New York mayor went on to say, “So Stormy, you want to bring a case, let me cross-examine you. Because the business you’re in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight. And secondly, explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation. If you’re going to sell your body for money, you just don’t have a reputation. Maybe old-fashioned, I don’t know.”

CNN and BuzzFeed reported in 2016 that Trump appeared in Playboy films in 1994, 2000, and 2001. In the first appearance, Trump is seen photographing clothed models with a Polaroid camera and interviewing a Playmate. In the second, he opens a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limousine as visiting Playmates cheer. In the third, he appears backstage at a fashion show with two Playmates along with the future first lady, then Melania Knauss, his girlfriend at the time.

In all three appearances, Trump appears briefly and he, as well as the models on camera alongside him, are fully clothed. Other scenes in the films contain nudity and sexually explicit content, such as women touching themselves seductively.

The VHS cover of the 2000 “Playboy Centerfold” film contains the following description of its contents: “From luxuriating in a warm, soapy tub, to reveling at an exclusive night club, Carol and Darlene bare their sex appeal and lead you on a sensual journey of discovery.”
“Beauty is beauty, and let’s see what happens with New York,” Trump says in that video, wherein Playmates travel to different cities in the country.

Bridget Marks, one of the models Trump interviewed for the 1994 tape, told CNN in 2016 that he was “thoughtful” and “respectful” to her.

Another former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, alleges that she had an affair with Trump between 2006 and 2007, around the same time as Daniels, who alleges her affair occurred in 2006. Trump also has denied McDougal’s claims. Giuliani did not mention McDougal in his comments in Tel Aviv.

He stood by those comments on Thursday, saying to CNN, “If you’re involved in a sort of slimy business, (that) says something about you — says something about how far you’ll go to make money,” he said.


“If you’re a (feminist) and you support the porn industry, you should turn in your credentials,” Giuliani told CNN Thursday.

“If you’re involved in a sort of slimy business, (that) says something about you — says something about how far you’ll go to make money.”

Again, Giuliani seems to think that selling images of your body is somehow less respectable than selling your soul to a corrupt cretin who brags that he likes to grab women by the pussy against their will. Oh, and also doesn’t care about foreign adversaries helping him win elections (at best — at worst he solicited their help.)

I’m so sick of these misogynist assholes I could scream.

By the way, Melania may not be all that happy with Rudy’s comments about respecting women who sell their body. After all, she did nude modeling herself:

She is a very beautiful woman who made an honest living as a model, sometimes as a nude model. Does Giuliani this she isn’t respectable either?

Giuliani is a pig. That is all.


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