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Not “firebrand” — racist

Not “firebrand” — racist

by digby

Charles Pierce does the best job articulating the increasingly absurd reluctance of the media to accurately describe the views of the Trump Republicans:

Stewart is not a “hard-right activist.” Neither is he a “hard-right firebrand.” He is an unapologetic public racist, and damned proud of it, who goes out of his way to associate with other unapologetic public racists, who are damned proud of it, too.

Here’s CNN, tip-toeing around the obvious reality as though it were a landmine.

Corey Stewart, the bombastic conservative who built his public image on championing Confederate symbols, won the Republican Senate nomination in Virginia.


Just no.

Stewart is not a “Confederate Symbols Defender.” Neither is he a “bombastic conservative.” He is an unapologetic public racist, and damned proud of it, who goes out of his way to associate with other unapologetic public racists, who are damned proud of it, too. Here’s a little flashback from The Washington Post at the time of the terrorist attack in Charlottesville:

“All the weak Republicans, they couldn’t apologize fast enough,” Stewart said in an interview with The Washington Post. “They played right into the hands of the left wing. Those [Nazi] people have nothing to do with the Republican Party. There was no reason to apologize.” However, Stewart has made several joint appearances with ­Jason Kessler, organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally that sparked the unrest in Charlottesville. Stewart met Kessler at an event earlier this year to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park in Charlottesville. And at one point during the primary race, Stewart attended a Charlottesville news conference with Kessler and Isaac Smith, founders of Unity and Security for America (USA), a fledgling group that calls for “defending Western Civilization.”

As you might imagine, the NAACP is a real fan of all these goobers.

For pure politics, the early line is that Stewart’s nomination could be an extinction-level event for Virginia’s Republican congresscritters. This isn’t Alabama, where Moore could have bitten the head off a live chicken and not cost any other Republicans their jobs. Virginia has been purpling for 10 years now, and that means that Stewart at the moment is a case of electoral cholera. Back to the NYT for the details.

Republicans feared that having Mr. Stewart as their nominee against Mr. Kaine, the former vice-presidential nominee, will spur moderate voters and women to desert the party in droves, imperiling several contested House seats in the state. Virginia Republicans, who have not won statewide in nearly a decade, were never optimistic about defeating Mr. Kaine, who has more than $10 million on hand. But their candidates may now find themselves captive to Mr. Stewart’s every utterance over the next five months — an unwelcome burden for lawmakers like Representatives Barbara Comstock and Scott Taylor, who were already endangered in their campaigns for re-election…The National Republican Senate Committee declined to comment on Mr. Stewart’s nomination.

It is difficult to comment when you’re all crowded behind the sofa while somebody sends out for more bourbon.

And a MAGA hat stuffed in your mouth…

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