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Q poll: 55% of Republicans support Trump’s family separation policy

Q poll: 55% of Republicans support Trump’s family separation policy

by digby

Just don’t call it deplorable. That would be very rude.

American voters oppose 66 – 27 percent the policy of separating children and parents when families illegally cross the border into America, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

Republican voters support the separation policy 55 – 35 percent, the only listed party, gender, education, age or racial group to support it, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University National Poll finds.

American voters also support 79 – 15 percent allowing immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, so-called “Dreamers,” to remain and ultimately to apply for citizenship.

All listed groups support Dreamers, ranging from 61 – 28 percent among Republicans to 94 – 5 percent among Democrats.

Support for Dreamers has ranged from 77 percent to 81 percent in every Quinnipiac University National Poll conducted this year.

American voters oppose 58 – 39 percent building a wall along the border with Mexico. The only listed groups to support the wall are Republicans 77 – 17 percent and white voters with no college degree 52 – 44 percent.

The Trump Administration has been too aggressive in deporting illegal immigrants, 50 percent of voters say, as 13 percent say the administration has not been aggressive enough and 33 percent say the administration has been acting appropriately.

I wonder what their limits are? I think we’re seeing that when it comes to people they just viscerally hate for no reason, they don’t have any. That’s a lot of people. Everyone who isn’t exactly like them.


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