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Speechless by tristero


by tristero

They are doing this to children. To Babies.

Maddow says “they want this,” meaning that Trump’s strategists — not Trump himself, he’s just a racist with no strategy — are thrilled about the outrage. That’s because in November, it will enable them to paint the Trump-ish candidates as people who tried, and were thwarted, to do something about immigration. They’re counting upon a fundamentally racist and xenophobic voting demographic being motivated to go to the polls — and a feckless Democratic opposition, of course, who will promote  candidates who inspire as much interest in the populace as the announcement of a new Snapple flavor.

I think she’s probably right. In trying to understand this, I’m reminded of John Mitchell during Watergate who said somewhere in his testimony that he felt that the defeat of Richard Nixon in 1972 would lead to the destruction of the US and therefore Nixon must be re-elected by any means necessary.

It’s got to be something close to that mad logic that drives the Trumpians. Like if a few thousand dark-skinned babies and children are traumatized, it’s a price worth paying for America to survive. And so we get back to the main moral point:

They are doing this to children. To Babies. I don’t see where an America that would do something like that is anything worth preserving.

What is wrong with these people?

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