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Just a little bit disturbing

Just a little bit disturbing

by digby

Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is an unusual guy, an anti-war former military officer. But I think his concerns here are probably very well-taken.

Via Daily Kos:

In the video clip, Michael Moore was explaining that many Hillary Clinton supporters were concerned that if she won there would be some armed insurrection because Trump was talking about 2nd Amendment and a rigged the election. He posited that had Trump won the popular vote and Hillary, the electoral college, the civil war would be currently happening. Moore then said he believed there are more of us and that the military is likely to be on our side.
When, Maher asked the colonel if he thought “the military is still with us,” he gave a fascinating answer. 

“I got that question from a sitting Senator when we were talking about the war in Yemen,” Wilkerson said. “I was trying to talk him into declaring it unconstitutional and getting us out of the damn war. And he sent everybody out of the office. And we talked for a few minutes. And he sort of presented that to me. It was in terms of, maybe a massive loss in the midterms, which I don’t think is going to happen now, but let’s say it did, And then impeachment proceedings proceded with haste from both parties, and Trump would then call his legions into the streets with their guns, and what would the military do. And frankly, I couldn’t answer him. I said I don’t know.” 

The statement took Michael Moore for a curve. 

“Coming from him,” Moore said dejectedly. “We have to listen to that.”

Polls show that the rank and file of the US Military approve of Trump while a majority of the officer corps do not. Where that would leave us, I don’t know. But it’s creepy that anyone’s even talking about it.


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