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Why isn’t this terrifying story of leftist violence getting wall to wall coverage??!!!

Why isn’t this terrifying story of leftist violence getting wall to wall coverage??!!!

by digby

Sure there are Trump superfans sending pipebombs to their Dear Leader’s enemies list and yes, there are anti-Semitic right wing nuts inspired by the president’s rhetoric about immigrants committing mass murder just one week ago today. But let’s not forget the terroristic activity on the left this past week:

Fox News is the only network carrying the horrific story:

An intern for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has been arrested and charged with battery after she threw chocolate milk on a group of College Republicans tabling on campus.

The far-left student activist who had the profanity-laced meltdown, Shelby Shoup, is listed as an intern for the Andrew Gillum for Florida Governor Campaign on LinkedIn and a member of FSU Students for Justice in Palestine. Gillum’s campaign did not return a Fox News request for comment.

A portion of the profane exchange with the College Republicans on campus was caught on camera.

Shoup threw her drink on SFU College Republicans Vice-Membership Chair, Daisy Judge, and when another student passing by tried to de-escalate the situation, she threw the remainder of her drink on him, according to a statement released by the College Republicans at FSU.

“You are supporting Nazis,” Shoup said in the video posted online. “Do you understand that?”

Another student snapped back at the girl wearing a communist pin: “And you are supporting communism?”

She replied: “Yeah, I f***ing am.”

“Don’t pour your coffee on me,” he said.

But Shoup replied, “F*** you. I will,” before she opened her chocolate milk and threw it on him.

At the link you can see the horrific incident caught on tape. So glad they “locked her up.”  I feel so much safer now.


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