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Trump tells his cult that if the GOP loses: My whole life, you know what I say? ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll just figure it out.'”

Trump says if the GOP loses: My whole life, you know what I say? ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll just figure it out.'”

by digby

He’s trying to figure out who to blame and how to wriggle out from responsibility if the GOP doesn’t do well tonight. I think we can expect lots of claims of voter fraud, as he did in 2016 to explain away Clinton’s 3 million popular vote win. And he’ll blame the fake news and probably the GOP leadership. If they keep the Senate, he’ll take credit. But if it doesn’t go well, he’s got to find a way to somehow explain that his magical demagogue tour wasn’t the cause.

He’s also got absolutely no idea what to do next:

Tuesday’s election results will test whether the former reality star’s messaging — to make the 2018 midterm elections about an “invasion” of migrants that hasn’t happened – is a success. No matter the results, the president signaled he would not take the blame.

“I’ve seen many of the newspapers saying it’s a referendum on what we’ve done, so I don’t know about that, but I can tell you that’s the way they’re going to play it, and if we don’t have a good day, they are going to make it like it’s the end of the world,” Trump said in a call with the supporters the day before the election.

“The election,” Trump said, “is very vital because it really is summing up what we’ve done, it’s going to show confidence for what we’ve done.”

“Even though I’m not on the ballot in a certain way I am on the ballot,” Trump said.

But don’t worry Trump cultists, he’s got a plan:

Days before the election, the president appeared to admit for the first time that Republicans might lose the House. “It could happen,” Trump said. “And you know what you do? My whole life, you know what I say? ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll just figure it out.'” Trump said.

He’s dancing as fast as he can. Will he be able to dance out of this one?


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