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Classic Thanksgiving video for the ages

Classic Thanksgiving video for the ages

by digby

Before there was Trump there was Palin:

Fresh off a defeat in the 2008 presidential election, Palin headed to a turkey farm in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, to pardon a local bird — a common practice among governors.

Palin delivered her prepared remarks over frequent interruptions from clucking birds not as fortunate as the turkey getting the reprieve. She even touted herself as a “friend to all creatures great and small” before posing for a photo op.

What happened next was entirely unexpected. While many had recently learned that Palin could be unpredictable — even a maverick, perhaps — Americans couldn’t have foreseen her conducting a lengthy on-camera interview while live birds were being fed into a machine of mass turkey murder mere feet behind her.

Palin seemed to unwittingly nail her remarks, commenting on the need to find “levity” in her job as turkey after turkey was decapitated by the metal cone of death in the background. The man shoving the struggling birds into the device even looked up toward Palin and the camera as the governor presciently predicted that the spectacle would invite skepticism.

This is the Republican party of the 21st century.


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