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The battle is engaged, Chief Justice Roberts is in the crosshairs

The battle is engaged, Chief Justice Roberts is in the crosshairs

by digby

Joe DiGenova:

In a remarkably inappropriate and blatantly political statement Wednesday, U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts chastised President Trump for the president’s quite accurate criticism of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and its rogue district and appellate court judges.

The spectacle of the ostensibly nonpolitical chief justice engaged in a dispute with the president of the United States is insulting to the Supreme Court and to our system of justice.

Shame on the chief justice. What he did is unforgivable, especially after the corrosive Senate confirmation battle over now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was the subject of bitter and baseless partisan attacks and character assassination by Senate Democrats.

With everyone looking for ways to remove the high court from the political thicket, Roberts strode arrogantly right into it. Sad day.

The best part of this statement is Di Genova claiming that it was Roberts who made the inappropriate and blatantly political statement — by saying that the courts are not partisan.

Whatever you and I might think of him, John Roberts is the apotheosis of conservative achievement.

And these people are choosing Donald Trump.


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