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Why is he lying? The perennial question

Why is he lying? The perennial question

by digby


Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) all disagree with President Trump’s assertion that the CIA has not concluded that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. 

These lawmakers are in positions to have seen the CIA’s final report on the situation surrounding Khashoggi — Schiff, the incoming House Intelligence Committee chairman; Reed, the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee; and Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump said on Thanksgiving, however, that the CIA did not come to a conclusion, discrediting the final report that said with “high confidence” MBS was involved with the murder. 

Sen. Jack Reed said Trump is lying: “The CIA concluded that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia was directly involved in the assassination of Khashoggi. … The notion that they didn’t reach a conclusion is just unsubstantiated.” 

Sen. Mike Lee said he disagrees with Trump’s assessment: “I don’t have access to everything the president sees … the intelligence I’ve seen suggests this was ordered by the crown prince. … I don’t know why he [Trump] is siding with the Saudis.” 

Rep. Adam Schiff said Trump “is not being honest with the country:” “It means our allies don’t respect us, our enemies don’t fear us; what is driving this, I don’t know.”

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