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The White House wants to kill the hostages

The White House wants to kill the hostages

by digby

If this person actually represents thinking in the White House, it means they are consciously blowing up the government.

An unnamed “senior official in the Trump administration” wrote in an anonymous Daily Caller op-ed Monday that the record-breaking 24-day partial government shutdown “is an opportunity to strip wasteful government agencies for good.”

While it’s unclear how “senior” this administration official is — many senior Trump officials are still being paid, while the author claims to be “one of the senior officials working without a paycheck” — the op-ed could offer a window into another goal of this shutdown, in addition to using federal workers’ paychecks as leverage in an attempt to extract border wall funds from Congress: starving the government.

The op-ed’s author wrote that “many federal agencies are now operating more effectively from the top down on a fraction of their workforce” and that “we do not want most employees to return, because we are working better without them.”

Roughly 800,000 federal employees are currently going without pay, and millions of Americans who rely on the agencies those employees usually run — everything from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of the Interior to the Department of Homeland Security — are going without services, except for those provided by workers deemed essential to national security or public safety.

“Now that we are shut down, not only are we identifying and eliminating much of the sabotage and waste, but we are finally working on the president’s agenda,” the official wrote, adding in conclusion: “Wasteful government agencies are fighting for relevance but they will lose. Now is the time to deliver historic change by cutting them down forever

I suspect this person is a low-level wingnut — if he exists at all. But the Daily Caller is going to get a bunch of clicks and succeed in providing another alternate narrative to mirror the “Anonymous Op-Ed writer” in the New York Times. At best it’s a troll.

But don’t think there isn’t a group within the GOP that truly believes this is a good idea. They are working with Trump for their own purposes. And their purpose is to “break” the US Government.


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